Introduction to Woven Fabric Manufacturing

Introduction to Woven Fabric Manufacturing
Balashankar Nadar AND Manhar Zacharia
Binding:  Hardcover
Imprint:  Bioscientific Publisher
Year:  2023
ISBN: 9789353270209
Price: Rs. 2000.00

About The Books

Introduction to Woven Fabric Manufacturing is a comprehensive book that provides readers with a solid foundation in the field of woven fabric production. This book covers various aspects of fabric manufacturing technology, starting with an introduction to the subject. It serves as an essential resource for textile professionals, students, and anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the manufacturing processes involved in creating woven fabrics. The book begins with an introduction that sets the stage for the subsequent chapters. It familiarizes readers with the basic concepts, terminology, and principles related to woven fabric manufacturing. This section provides a comprehensive overview of the key elements involved in the production of woven fabrics, including yarn preparation, fabric formation, and finishing processes. Introduction to Woven Fabric Manufacturing is a comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of fabric production. From historical background to fabric manufacturing technology, yarn preparation, winding, knitting, textile printing, sewing, and textile bleaching, this book provides readers with a solid foundation in the field. It serves as a valuable resource for professionals, students, and anyone interested in understanding the intricacies of woven fabric manufacturing processes.

About The Author


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