Ecology Based Fishries Modelling with Biotechnology

Ecology Based Fishries Modelling with Biotechnology
Debabrata Das
Binding:  Hardcover
Imprint:  Write and Print Publications
Year:  2018
ISBN: 9789386283764
Price: Rs. 980.00

About The Books

This book based on Environment and Ecology based aspects of inland fisheries and fully on applied sciences. As you know a book may be a friend when a true friendship is absent and hence author has written this book with mild intension to keep documentary evidences in Fisheries Information and Biotechnology in a brief and precise manner. Hope this may help in inland fisheries who may willing to procure the practical know-how of fisheries at micro or macro levels with biotechnology when Eco-sustainability is most desired at these days.

About The Author

Dr. Debabrata Das, Scientist at Central Inland Fisheries Institute (ICAR), Barrackpore, Kolkata-700120 (India). He achieved national scholarship and research fellowships in Biochemistry (ICAR), Biotechnology (JNU/BHU) and Computer Science (IASRI). He attended various Institutes namely, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Banaras, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi. The Author has also acted as a scientific advisor at various capacities. Achieved around fifty research publications. Acquired professional trainings in Tropical agriculture and fisheries, from different institutes of ICAR, including sustainable agricultural training courses offered from Colorado State Agricultural University, Colorado, USA.

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    Educationist Press     Educationist Press


    Ideal Thoughts Publishers


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