Plant Diseases and their Control

Plant Diseases and their Control
Mahendra Singh
Binding:  Hardcover
Imprint:  Write and Print Publications
Year:  2019
ISBN: 9789387214705
Price: Rs. 3000.00

About The Books

The information on pest and disease management under protected cultivation of horticultural crops is very much scattered. There is no book at present which comprehensively and exclusively deals with the above aspects. This book deals with pests and diseases (fungal, bacterial, viral, and nematode) in protected horticultural crops (fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals) in detail using physical, cultural, chemical, biological, host resistance, and integrated methods. Book also contains chapters on Fungal Plant Pathogens and Symptomology, Black Sigatoka of Banana and its Control, Diagnosis of Plant Disease, Physiological Disorders and their Management, Management of Citrus Canker, Management of Plant Diseases, Plant Pathogen Nano-diagnostic Techniques, Disease and Pest Management in Organic Agriculture, and Integrated Disease Management (IDM) This book will be of immense value to the scientific community as a whole involved in teaching, research, and extension activities. The material can also be used for teaching postgraduate courses. The book can serve as a very useful reference for policy makers and practising farmers.

About The Author

Dr. Mahendra Singh, presently working as Senior Scientist, PME Section, Director’s Office, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. He has experience of 20 years in R&D by associated with various research projects funded by different agencies viz., ICAR, DoT, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and in the field of biotic stress management, biological control, vegetable and legume germplasm screening for insect resistance, participatory extension, women empowerment, inter-institutional approach for transfer of technology, training and capacity building activities, plant protection, weather-based forewarning system for insect-pest and IPM of cotton, Biological Control of Soil-borne pathogens i.e. nematode especially vegetable crops, biotechnology-led socio-economic empowerment of farm Women. Taught introductory nematology (UG) General and Applied Microbiology (UG), Disease management in vegetable, tuber and spice crops (UG), Disease management in ornamental medicinal and aromatic plants (UG), Disease management in fruits and plantation crops (UG), Introductory Microbiology (UG), Physiological and Molecular plant Pathology (PG), Principles of Plant Pathology (PG), Diseases of kharif crops (UG) to UG and PG classes. In addition to extensive research experience he is also handling three institutional and one external projects and worked with farmers for training and demonstration to manage soil borne pathogens by IPM under DBT funded project.

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    Educationist Press     Educationist Press


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