About The Books
The present book “Marketing of Agricultural Commodities in India” is prepared in planned and systematic manner by the help of different resource persons (authors) and sources of knowledge including journals and books. This book covers the whole gamut of agricultural marketing including marketing analysis, marketing methods, marketing channels, marketing organizations, cooperative marketing, marketing models, agro processing, warehousing, storage, Marketing reforms, Roles of ICTs and PPP (P3) in marketing, marketing schemes and programes. It deals with the product and commodity specific marketing such as Pulses marketing, Mentha marketing, Mushroom marketing, Fish marketing, Milk marketing, Fruits and Vegetable marketing. The book has been presented in systematic way and simple language with the support of latest data, figures, tables and graphs for better understanding of undergraduate, post graduate students, research scholars and faculties of agricultural economics, agribusiness, business management and commerce. It is also useful book for research community, agribusiness managers, management trainees, marketing executives, agriculture officers and policy-makers.
About The Author
"Dr. Shoji Lal Bairwa, is Ph. D. in Agricultural Economics from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and working as Assistant Professor-cum-Junior Scientist, in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Dr. Kalam Agricultural College, Kishanganj, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour. He has published three books and more than 75 other publications including research articles, reviews, manuals, book chapters, and popular
articles related to agribusiness, agricultural marketing and
entrepreneurship development. He has more than 3 years of experience in
teaching and research in the field of Agricultural economics and
Agribusiness Management. He is principal investigator in a state non plan research project on
Mobile Based Agri Retailing (MBAR) model for agricultural input and output in Kishanganj
district of Bihar sanctioned by Bihar Agricultural University Sabour, Bhagalpur. He is also
recipient of many fellowships and awards from academic and scientific organizations of
national repute.
Dr. Saket Kushwaha is Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Banaras
Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi. Currently he is Vice-Chancellor of
Rajiv Gandhi University Rono Hills Arunachal Pradesh. Headed the
Agricultural Economics Department in BHU and Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa University (ATBU), Bauchi Nigeria for 10 years and was Dean of
Management Faculty at ATBU for 6 years. Recipient of 15 national and
international awards, contributed over 95 research publications, 13 book
chapters, sits in Editorial Boards of 5 national and international journals.
He also supervised 24 Ph.D. and over 150 M.Sc./MBA students in India
and abroad. He is Visiting Professor in 5 international universities. Dr. S. Kushwaha was
professor since 1999 and was Vice Chancellor of Lalit Narayan Mithila University,
Darbhanga from 04.02.2014 to 03.02.2017.
Dr. Chandra Sen, is Ph. D. in Agricultural Economics from GB Pant
University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar and working as
Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Institute of
Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He has
served as Head of Department of Agricultural Economics, Institute of Agricultural Sciences
for two terms of three years each. He has completed 22 research projects, supervised 25
Ph.D. theses and published more than 92 other publications including books, research
articles, book chapters, and popular articles related to Agricultural Economics. He has more
than 35 years of experience in teaching and research in the field of agricultural economics.
He attended/ presented research papers and chaired sessions at several National and
International conferences in India and abroad. He is also recipient of many awards and
fellowships during his academic and professional carrier. Prof. Sen developed two models i.e.
Multi-Objective Programming model which is popularly known as Sen’s MOP model and
Multi-Property Optimization Index (MPOI). These mathematical tools have been used
successfully in agricultural research.
Shilpi, holds the degree of Master in Agribusiness Management from
Institute of Management Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
since 2012. She is working as a Technical Assistant in Department of
Agriculture, Government of Uttar Pradesh from past 2 years and closely
observing the problems of agricultural markets and economy at
transactional and grass-root level. She is also pursuing her Ph. D. in
Agricultural Economics from B. H. U. Varanasi. She has published more
than 16 publications including research papers, review articles and book
chapters in the area of Agribusiness Management and Agricultural