About The Books
Soil fertility reflects the physical, chemical and biological state of soil and soil fertility can be defined in relation to the plants that grow naturally or are introduced into soil. This book contains chapters on various aspects of soil fertility which are meant for training of extension workers in soil fertility management techniques and for workers involved in rural development that would like to learn more about the principles and practices of ISFM.
This book is also a useful primer on ISFM for education organizations such as universities and technical colleges, organizations involved in the development of policy on agriculture and rural development that need reference materials on ISFM techniques, and other government and non-government organizations (NGOs) seeking to implement ISFM.
About The Author
Dr Majeed Ul Hassan Chesti is Assistant Professor (Selection
Grade) Soil Science at Directorate of Extension, SKUASTKashmir,
Shalimar, Srinagar, J&K, India. He has completed his M.sc. (Soil Science) in 2002 from Sam Higginbottom Institute of
Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Deemed University and
PhD (Soil Science) from SKUAST-Kashmir in 2007.He has been
awarded Gold medal by securing first position in M.Sc. (Soil
Science) as well as awarded merit certificate in Ph.D. (Soil
Science). He has more than 13 years of Research/Extension/
Teaching experience and has also to his credit more than 40 research publications
in peer reviewed national and international journals, two book and 15 book
chapters. He has successfully completed two externally funded research projects
sponsored by J&K State Council for Science and Technology and ICAR (Horticulture
Technology mission).
Dr. Shakeel Ahmad Mir presently working as Assistant
Professor in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at
SKUAST-K. He has been involved with research, teaching,
impact assessment and technology transfer for over 15 years,
with more than 40 scientific publications to his credit. His areas
of interest and research are soil quality, nutrient management
and terrestrial carbon cycling and storage. He has taught various
courses at under-graduate and post graduate levels in the
University, besides guiding the research work of many post-graduate students.
Dr. Khurshid Ahmad Sofi is Assistant professor cum Junior
Scientist, Division of Soil Science, SKUAST-Kashmir. He has
done his M.Sc. Agriculture (Soil Science) from Allahabad
Agriculture University, Allahabad, U.P, India and Ph.D
Agriculture (Soil Science) from SKUAST-Kashmir. Dr. Sofi has
taught various soil sciences courses at the undergraduate and
post graduate levels during his service period of ten years. He
is at present working as Co-PI in all India network project on
pesticides residues (AINP-PR) at Pesticides Residues Laboratory, Division of
Entomology, SKUAST-K. Dr. Khurshid Ahmad Sofi supervised one M.Sc. students
in Soil Science and acted as co-guide to two post graduate students of various
divisions and has published more than 17 papers in Indian and foreign journals.