About The Books
Floriculture is a discipline of Horticulture and it includes cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants for selling or for use as an input materials in cosmetic industry as well as in the pharmaceutical sector. The present day floral industry is one of the most dynamic and fast growing industries, which has achieved a significant rate of growth during the past few years and has extended worldwide with the major paradigm shift of production centers from developed to developing countries. India is also interested to emerge as an important production base for floriculture output. Irregular climatic conditions, genetic variety, versatile human resources etc put India a unique scope for enormous employment of existing resources and exploration of avenues yet untouched. The purpose of this book is to introduce you to the concepts of ecological, sustainable floriculture. The book is like a “Quick Start” guide that will enable you to grasp and implement some practices right away. If you want to go into more depth or have specific problems not covered here, you’ll need to hire a professional or consult some of the references provided. Researchers, scholars and scientists find this book indispensable.