Advances in Plant Growth and Reproduction

Advances in Plant Growth and Reproduction
Satya Prakash, Krishan Pal Singh
Binding:  Hardcover
Imprint:  Bioscientific Publisher
Year:  2024
ISBN: 9789395610278
Price: Rs. 3500.00

About The Books

Plant growth regulators are natural or synthetic compounds that are applied directly to a target plant to alter its life processes or its structure to improve quality, increase yields or to facilitate harvesting. Plant hormone, when correctly used is restricted to naturally occurring plant substances. This are known five classes auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, inhibitors and ethylene (gas). Plant growth regulators include synthetic as well as naturally occurring hormones. The Functions are Auxins cause enlargement of plant cell,Giberellins stimulate cell division, cell elongation or both,Cytokinins stimulate cell division in plants and Inhibitors Plant hormones that inhibit or retard a physiological or biochemical process in plants.There are apply growth regulators to stem cuttings for the induction as Quick dip method,Prolonged soaking method (Dilute solution soaking method),Powder method And Lanolin paste methods.The best and most commonly used chemical for this purpose is indole butyric acid (IBA), which is decomposed relatively slowly by the auxin-destroying enzyme system in plants. Because this compound also moves very slowly in the plant, much of it is retained near the site of application.Another highly active auxin frequently used for root promotion is naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). As NAA is more toxic than IBA, there is a greater danger of injury to treated plants. The amides of both compounds are also effective rooting agents.Many phenoxy compounds, including 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T (trichlorophenoxy acetic acid) promote root formation if used at low concentrations. The type of root systems Giberellic acid is the most potent germination promoter, by breaking seed dormancy in a wide range of species Cytokinin is believed to offset the effect of inhibitors like ABA in germination. It allows giberellic acid to function. Applied cytokinin can also be effective in overcoming thermo dormancye peach, wild mustard, citrus, rough lemon, trifoliate orange, sweet orange, beans, peach, chinese cabbage etc.

About The Author

Prof. (Dr.) Satya Prakash, presently working as Professor & Head Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture in Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. He completed his doctorate in Horticulture with specialization in Floriculture. He worked as the Senior Scientist & Head at K.V.K. Muzaffarnagar from December 2003 - May 2013. On the basis of his work ICAR, New Delhi gave the “Best K.V.K. Zonal Award 2013” to K.V.K. Muzaffarnagar. Dr. Prakash worked as the Professor& Head at K.V.K. Saharanpur from May2013- April 2018. On basis of his work ICAR New Delhi also gave“Pandit Deendayal Krishi Vigyan Protsahan Award 2016” to K.V.K. Saharanpur.. He received the SCSI Gold Medal award, the Leadership award, the summer memorial award, the Young Scientist award, R.S.Yadav outstanding award, the Fellow award, Outstanding Horticulturist award and Distinguish scientist award from the many reputed Societies. Dr Prakash has guided 4 Ph.D. Horticulture and 8 Post Graduate (Hort.) Students. He has written 132 research papers in NAAS rating journals 18 books, 49 book chapters, 12 Technical Bulletin & 6 practical manuals, 92 articles, 225 abstracts, and presented research papers in 18 International conferences& 39 National conferences. Dr Prakash delivered 135 Horticultural Talks on ETV U.P, 5 talks on Door darshan Delhi and 158 talks on CRS. Dr Prakash has gone Israel, Egypt on study tour, Indonesia and Nepal presents their work in International Forum. Dr. Krishan Pal Singh, presently serving as Principal Scientist in the Division of Floriculture and Landscaping of ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. He has over 35 years research, teaching, extension, management and administrative experience while working in different capacities. He is an eminent scientist in the discipline of Floriculture and Landscaping. He visited United States of America to acquire advanced training on protected cultivation of flower and vegetable crops. During 2000he joined as Senior Scientist (Horticulture – Floriculture and Landscaping) at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He published 135 researach papers, besides many books, book chapters, technical bulletins, popular articles, symposium/conference abstracts, etc. on production technology, crop protection, postharvest management and value addition aspects of floriculture and landscaping under open field and protected environment. He has guided eight post-graduate students as major advisor in the field of Floriculture. He is Life Member of 24 Professional Scientific Societies. Dr. K. P. Singh is recipient of several prestigious awards. Presently he is serving as Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Horticulture, Associate Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Agricultural Invention, Executive Editorin-Chief of HortFlora Research SpectrumJournal and Editor of Annals of Horticulture Journal.

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